The crossover book plot help

Kwame alexanders the crossover contains ten basketball rules poems that apply to. The crossover, by awardwinning childrens book author and poet kwame alexander, was published in 2014 and won the 2015 newbery medal and coretta scott king award honor for childrens literature. Josh and jb are at the crucial age of passing from being children to young adults. Soaring, poignant, novel in verse hits all the right spots. Their father, chuck da man bell, was a famous basketball. The crossover study guide from litcharts the creators of. An interactive data visualization of the crossovers plot and themes.

This comes with numerous confusing, exhilarating, and scary experiences. Basketball is extremely important to them, and they both want to play professionally someday. The crossover study guide contains a biography of kwame. As a novel written in verse, the text of the crossover is able to play with rhythm, visuals, and language in a way that a novel written in prose cannot. Rebound, a prequel to the crossover, was published in 2018. Basketball jargon throughout the narrative doubles as narrative detail. The crossover summary and study guide supersummary. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Of course, dads former role as a player doesnt help that. On the surface, kwame alexanders verse novel the crossover looks simple. The crossover summary from litcharts the creators of sparknotes. The crossover is a novel in verse about brotherhood and basketball. He and his twin brother jordanor jbare basketball stars and are best friends on and off the court. The crossover by kwame alexander is the first book in the crossover series.

The narrator of the novel which is told in verse is josh bell, an 8thgrade boy. The crossover characters from litcharts the creators of. The best study guide to the crossover on the planet, from the creators of. With dads help and support, they devote themselves to practice and lead their school team. The question and answer section for the crossover is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. The crossover study guide contains a biography of kwame alexander. Josh is proud of his dreadlocks, which help classmates easily identify each twin from. Was it necessary for the development of plot, theme andor characters. Josh s narration makes use of changes in font size, line breaks, and rhyme to guide the reader through the novel, slowing down or speeding up the action according to how the text is arranged. Crossover, an original ifc production on musicians in the movies, is a part of the indierocks festival and is directed by academyaward nominee steven cantor. The crossover by kwame alexander, made for assignment 2 in childrens literature.